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Guidelines for Ensuring Data Security During Data Integration

Darley Stephen
April 17, 2023
Reading time: 4 mins
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Data integration and enterprise security are interlinked. You need to prioritize data delivery and security to integrate data across an organization. Managing a large amount of data in today's business environment requires a strategic approach. Merely meeting integration requirements is not enough.

When you integrate, ensure that you also maintain existing safeguards and implement data privacy and security measures in all systems and interconnections. By having a solid strategy for data integration with enterprise security, your organization's data can be trusted and protected from potential breaches.

Why is it Essential to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information?

Data security refers to the measures taken to prevent unauthorized access and manipulation of data stored in digital form at any time. Protection extends to not only the data in digital form but also in physical form. And, that includes all hardware, software, storage devices, and access points. All data management policies, procedures, and standards established by the company are included.

Data security aims to provide full transparency into a company's most sensitive data, where it is being stored, and how it is being used. The best data security procedures protect an organization's data from both external and internal threats, such as sabotage or human error, the leading causes of data breaches today.

Data Integrity and Protection in Enterprise Projects

When it comes to data integration, the security of that data can be handled in various ways. Compared to data integration platforms, custom solutions often lack adequate protection for sensitive information. Data corruption and security breaches are real concerns, and many of the foremost providers of data integration solutions have carefully considered how to mitigate them. However, their methods of security for sensitive information are often different from each other. Tokenization, masking, and data encryption are some of the available options.

  • Data encryption refers to the conversion of data into a code that can only be read using a unique key or password.
  • Data tokenization involves replacing sensitive data with a "token.” Token refers to data without any exploitable value or meaning. The token functions as a unique identifier that maps back to sensitive data.
  • Protected information can be concealed through data masking by replacing it with modified data, such as different characters or some other data. The most sophisticated attacks may still get through this data protection method.

While there are several approaches to ensuring the safety of integrated data, few use data encryption. Every company, however, needs to be aware of the increasing sophistication of cyber-attacks and take precautions accordingly. We have therefore compiled the following list of highly recommended guidelines to consider during the integration planning process.

Ways to Maintain Data Security During Data Integration: Best Practices

Data integrity risks are detrimental to the success of any business. No problem has a simple solution. Threats must be reduced through the use of a variety of strategic measures. Some practical approaches to lessening the risk to sensitive information are examined below.

Promote honesty and trust.

A culture of honesty and trust dramatically reduces the dangers of sensitive information. It's essential to set up a system for managing data properly. Everyone is responsible for maintaining the data's consistency and accuracy by following the rules in the Data Integrity guidelines and working together as a team.

Implement QC protocols

To ensure that employees are using data correctly, it is essential to set up a quality control system that includes both responsible individuals and robust protocols. It establishes a quality control system in which predetermined rules are followed, and checks and balances are in place.

Map critical data processes. 

Enterprises can ensure better control over their data assets by creating process maps for critical data. These process maps should include details such as how and where data is accessed, who accesses it, how it is used, and the steps involved before data is put into use. By doing so, management can have greater control over their data assets and also ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

Build audit trails 

Maintaining a well-managed audit trail is crucial for investigating data breaches. An audit trail mechanism that can track the data change sources should be in place to ensure the integrity and security of data. Audit trails provide a comprehensive view of how data is affected throughout its lifecycle, including its origin, transformations, and usage.

Eliminate vulnerabilities

When you integrate systems, you open the door to new security risks by establishing many connections between systems and applications. Hence, it is always better to eliminate all potential security flaws to lessen the risk to the data's integrity. Security patches designed to address vulnerabilities are frequently used in such cases.

Validate computer systems 

Regularly checking the security of systems that contain data is crucial to maintain data security. An organization should have protocols in place for planning and mapping data usage. However, it is equally essential to ensure that both the employees and the IT infrastructure are adhering to these protocols. This requires the implementation of procedures to monitor and enforce compliance with established processes.

Closing note

In conclusion, data integration does not necessarily pose a significant risk to data security if handled with the proper measures. System integrations can be securely managed with data encryption, ensuring that data is protected at every stage of the process without hindering its sharing. However, it is crucial to prioritize data security when integrating data and to ensure that it aligns with your organization's data protocols and requirements. At Trueloader, we understand the importance of data security and offer solutions that enable seamless data integration while prioritizing data security. Contact us today to learn how we can help safeguard your data while optimizing your data integration processes.

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