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Data Integration and Application Integration: Knowing the Right Fit

Darley Stephen
February 28, 2023
Reading time: 4 mins
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Integration of applications and data is only as effective as the data management system used to connect them. Their shared objective is to improve data usability and make it more approachable to the general public. However, there are many ways in which these integrations vary from one another when it comes to applications. Connecting different applications can improve our routines and speed up our processes. When integrating data, it is common to practice doing so in batches to produce a new data set that can be used to gain business insights.

As more businesses across various industries embark on digital transformation projects, questions about which option is better—data integration or application integration—are inevitable. If you are in this situation, it is important to understand the intricacies of each process in order to make an informed decision. This guide will provide you with the necessary information to confidently choose between app integration and data integration for your business.

Application & Data Integration- Understanding the Basics

Application Integration

Application integration is a powerful solution that seamlessly connects multiple applications, enabling them to work together in perfect harmony. By streamlining workflows and merging data in real-time, this integration eliminates data silos, making the organization more efficient and productive.

For instance, imagine a company that wants to accelerate their lead follow-up process. By integrating an instant messaging tool like Slack with Salesforce, they can achieve just that. Through the magic of application integration, users can share critical information between these two applications without any hassles or delays.

 Data Integration

The term "data integration" refers to the process of gathering information from various sources (both internal and external), preparing it for use, and then loading it into a central repository (typically a data warehouse) for analysis and use.

Here's how it works: your marketing team leverages a powerful ETL tool to seamlessly collect and standardize information from a variety of data sources, such as social media channels, analytics platforms, and your marketing automation platform. Once the data has been standardized, it's securely stored in a robust data warehouse, such as Snowflake. From there, your team, along with colleagues from other functions such as sales, can access a unified view of the data. This empowers all stakeholders with the insights they need to make better-informed decisions and drive growth for the organization. With data integration, your business can achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, productivity, and success.

Also Read: Five Data Integration Methods & Their Pros and Cons

Unpacking the Differences Between Data Integration & Application Integration

In information technology and data, two of the most discussed topics are application integration and data integration, which revolve primarily around data management. However, there are significant distinctions between application integration and data integration, particularly in terms of their intended purposes and methods of implementation.

Features Data Integration Application Integration
Speed of data transformation Integrating data takes a lot longer than integrating applications, but it guarantees accuracy. Since application integration can take place in real-time with smaller data sets, businesses can react instantly to new data or performance issues.
When to use When businesses need to merge and examine disparate sets of static data, they employ data integration. If you're dealing with dynamic data in real time, application integration is your best bet.
Organizational management When it comes to managing and orchestrating data for business purposes, data integration is all business, all the time. Through preexisting integration platforms or custom integrations, applications can be linked to facilitate the establishment of efficient workflows.
Schemas Due to the dynamic nature of the schemas, pre-load transformations are unnecessary in data integration pipelines. Software relies on data that has been rigidly structured using schemas. After being extracted from one programme, the data must undergo some sort of transformation before it can be used in another.
Understanding business Data integration only needs data sources and a destination; knowledge of business processes is not required. Integrating applications effectively requires an appreciation of the business context of the data being integrated.

Prominent Uses Cases 

The major uses cases of application integration include:

  • Gather information from IoT gadgets for later storage and analysis.
  • Integrate on-premise ERP systems with customer relationship management software.
  • Create inter-app automation to speed up your processes.

In most cases, the following tasks require data integration:

  • Transfer information to a central repository.
  • Create a unified database that contains all of your customer information.
  • Assist in making the change to a hybrid or multi-cloud setup.

Wrapping Up

We know that the choice between data integration and application integration can be tricky. But, what if we told you that it's not about which approach is "better" than the other? It's about selecting the one that's perfectly suited to your business needs.

Here's the deal: application integration and data integration each have their strengths and are ideal for different purposes. The key is to carefully evaluate your unique requirements to determine which integration approach will work best for you.

Trueloader can help you make that decision. With our cutting-edge integration solutions, we can analyze your business needs and guide you towards the integration approach that will take your digital transformation to the next level. Talk to our experts to know more!

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