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Data Integration: Addressing Integrity Challenges

Darley Stephen
April 13, 2023
Reading time: 4 mins
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What is Data Integration? Why is It Necessary to Address Its Challenges?

The term "data integration" has become popular at an incredible rate in recent years. It's the bedrock of whatever data-driven business procedures your organization creates. Be it adopting new technology, creating successful business models, or making better decisions- it is all aided by data integration. Yet, the entire process of data integration is easier said than done.

If you're planning on integrating data in your business, then it's crucial to understand the key challenges involved. It's like navigating a maze without a map, and choosing the wrong integration tool could mean getting lost in a tangled mess of data.

You need to assess the capabilities of each integration solution you're considering and find the one that can help you overcome the challenges you're facing.

What Are the Data Integrity Obstacles to Be Addressed?

Ensuring data integrity is crucial for making accurate and informed decisions. However, it's important to be aware of potential challenges that may arise in maintaining clean and consistent data.

Siloed data collection

Companies now face a serious problem with data silos. When departments operate using separate systems that are not integrated with the rest of the software ecosystem, data is collected from various sources that are not synchronized. Consequently, obtaining a comprehensive overview of business processes or establishing smooth communication between teams becomes arduous.

Critical business choices are easier to make with the help of comprehensive integration solutions because they give all stakeholders rapid access to the most recent, enhanced data across all business domains. The right platform allows teams to compare and contrast information from a variety of sources.

Data quality issues

Data integration can get seriously affected due to issues related to poor data quality. The utility and dependability of integrated data can be affected by data quality. And that includes accuracy, completeness, and relevance. Low-quality data might cause a company to lose money in the long run. Data quality management helps to check information before it is uploaded to a data warehouse, ensuring its accuracy and reliability. The time and effort spent transferring irrelevant information from its current storage site to the database system are therefore avoided. Your database will store only authentic and reliable information.

Imperfectly integrated data

Employees may be working with inaccurate information if data isn't properly integrated. In order to safeguard your data, you must ensure that it is completely and accurately integrated and transformed.

Here, an ETL application may be quite useful. The transform stage in the ETL process helps discover and fix faulty, redundant, or inconsistent data. As data quantities and types grow inside your business, the data cleaning process is crucial for ensuring that workers use clean, reliable data for analysis and decision-making.

Multiple integration use-cases

In businesses, integrations across several teams and departments can be a challenging task. Things may become chaotic if you have to deal with many use cases at once. Some businesses choose to build their own integrations in-house when confronted with challenging integration issues. While this may seem like a great plan, it usually ends up being counterproductive and isn't a good way to approach things over the long haul. Another more cost-effective option is to employ a no-code panel with the appropriate personalization features, thereby enabling sophisticated, two-way interfaces. Using this method, even the most complicated use cases may have their integrations set up in a matter of minutes rather than days or weeks.

Incorrect and multiple formats

The existence of data in several forms is a common problem that must be solved during system integration. It's likely that the financial department's data storage system will use a not-so-common data presentation format than the one used by the sales department. Unstructured data in many forms cannot be effectively compared and combined. Data transformation tools provide a simple answer to this problem. These programs examine the data formats and convert them to a standard one before storing the information in a centralized repository. Due to this in-built functionality, fewer data collection mistakes will need manual intervention.

Lack of accountability & training

The accuracy of data is often compromised by manual errors. Inconsistently trained or untrained users can be a potential source of inaccuracies in your data. Data integrity issues might arise when several groups or departments depend on the same information. There will not be clarity about who is responsible for ensuring data integrity.

To avoid this, always keep your users up-to-date on best practices for interacting with data by holding frequent training sessions. Examine the accuracy and consistency of data entry and storage to ensure that your staff is doing their jobs. Employees who have received proper training are more likely to remain committed to maintaining the organization's high standards for data quality and integrity.

Overcome Integrity Challenges with Trueloader

Every new method has its own set of problems and risks. The way in which you tackle the task will determine how successful you are. If you want to deal with data integration difficulties and solutions efficiently, it's best to get the help of professionals like Trueloader. Being a data-driven company allows you to better manage your resources, generate more profit, and provide better customer service. With data integration, you may save money on expensive business intelligence and visualization software that will help your staff become more efficient and give their all in order to meet the organization's objectives.

Discover the best solutions to tackle data integrity challenges during data integration with Trueloader! Our platform helps guarantee the accuracy and security of your data in real-time. Contact us today and take control of your data integration process.

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