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Reasons Behind the Need for a Data Integration Strategy

Darley Stephen
May 11, 2023
Reading time: 3 mins
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Modern businesses must leverage multiple IT systems to provide the capabilities necessary to enable effective users and operational processes. Therefore, companies must focus more on integrating these systems and the activities required to manage integrations across the ecosystem to ensure that complex IT environments run smoothly.

While there are many obstacles to overcome when integrating systems, a successful business data integration strategy is a crucial component. A comprehensive data integration strategy may help you decide which systems to combine, when to connect them, and how to maximize the return on investment (ROI) of the integration process. By the unification of apps, databases, and processes, it is possible to improve communication and cooperation between them.

Data Integration Strategy - What is It?

Data integration strategies outline the organization-wide process through which diverse data sources are brought together for analysis. It specifies the various data sources (file types, data systems, data volumes), as well as the data transfer and analysis procedures. A data integration strategy lays forth a method for eliminating information silos in your business.

Data Integration Strategies: Why Do You Need It?

Integrating data is bringing together different sets of information and presenting them to users in a cohesive whole. Managing the complexity and difficulties of integrating data from many sources calls for a well-thought-out data integration plan. Some examples of why you might need a plan for integrating your data are as follows:

Maintains data evolution

Supports the ever-changing nature of data as sensors, networks, and cloud storage become more accessible and cost-effective. Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can make sense of it all with powers far beyond that of humans. Combining information from several sources is all that's needed for the algorithms to function properly.

Creates straightforward connections

The old point-to-point connection method needed manual coding that connected each subsystem independently. The good news is that modern cloud-based data integration options are pre-built with connections that seamlessly link conventional systems, facilitating unhindered data interchange.

Eliminates data silos

Companies in various sectors use a variety of software solutions designed to meet their unique requirements. This procedure commonly separates data into functional silos. These segmented structures, however, prevent employees from seeing how other parts of the business are functioning. A successful data integration strategy eliminates silos and facilitates the free flow of information throughout organizations.

Makes data accessible

Providing easy access to data is a significant advantage for any company. By storing all your data in one place, you can make it accessible to anybody inside your organization (or outside, depending on your company's goals). It will be easier for employees to prepare reports and keep all procedures up to date.

Streamlines data collaboration

Accessibility makes collaboration easier. Everybody who uses your data will have an easier time doing so in the format they need if you have a data integration strategy in place. More people working on an integrated data set means that it is complete. This is true whether the sharing is happening within an organization or between different organizations.

Increases data value

Data integration boosts data value. More and more data integration solutions are using data quality methodologies, which identify and enhance data properties such as cleanliness, consistency, and completeness. Datasets are more helpful than raw data once aggregated and calculated.

Improves business choices

By the use of well-structured repositories containing several interconnected datasets, businesses have a great opportunity to increase visibility and comprehension across the board. Backing up decisions with data also makes them more clear and gives a complete overview of all business or strategic decisions.

Enhances data quality

Inaccurate or outdated information can't be used to draw conclusions or guide company actions. Thus, it is crucial for businesses to have access to reliable and most recent data. By sharing and syncing data in real-time as events occur or new information is input, modern integration guarantees that all data is updated and accurate.

Gives a competitive edge

One of the most important benefits of data integration is indeed the ability to find insights that can be used to give a business an advantage over its rivals. Leaders are able to see how their organizations are performing, make better, more timely decisions, and reduce errors when they connect and consolidate data.

Develop Your Data Integration Strategy With Trueloader

To make sure your company makes the most of its data, it is essential to develop an integration plan that takes into account both technical and business factors. The right approach to data integration can yield benefits for years to come in the form of insights and new ideas. Think about what you want to accomplish with your business, what your demands are, and which strategy best fits those three things.

Trueloader can help you develop a data integration strategy that will help you streamline processes, improve data accuracy and make better decisions. Contact us today to learn more about how our data integration solutions can benefit your organization.

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