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A Quick Guide to Retail Data Integration on a Unified Platform

Darley Stephen
February 20, 2023
Reading time: 5 mins
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Data Integration: What is it?

When you run a business on a digitized, automated system, you have various forms of data lying in different sources, which is not ideal. You need the data to be adequately managed.

So, essentially, Data Integration refers to the technical process of harnessing and consolidating data from various sources and unifying them into a single dataset. The prime objective of data integration is to ingest, process, transform, and store the data for easy retrieval, derive meaningful insights, and take actionable decisions.

So, what is data integration in e-commerce? It is pretty much the same, except that the ecommerce data is business-relevant. Retail or ecommerce data integration collects this business-related data from across the enterprise into a centralized destination.

Data Integration & its Role in the World of Ecommerce

The internet has become a one-stop shop for almost anything imaginable, from safety pins to luxury items to proprietary-value goods. Such businesses that exist in the virtual world handle massive amounts of data like:

  • Inventory
  • Customer data
  • Business contacts
  • Vendors
  • Transaction details
  • Logistics
  • Finance
  • Sales
  • Website Activity
  • Social media
  • Online marketing campaigns
  • Supply chain

All this information will likely be stored in different virtual locations or data sources. Data like this can be very valuable to businesses, but only if properly integrated and utilized.

For the modern-day online retailer, data integration on a unified platform unlocks multiple benefits. Retail business owners can:

  • Access specific data from anywhere at any time.
  • Gain accurate insights about the entire business and customer base.
  • Ensure enhanced data protection to prevent unexpected data loss.
  • Use real-time data analytics to make strategic decisions.

Nevertheless, with the proliferation of data silos, the need for retail data integration on a unified platform has become more evident. Let’s discuss further about ecommerce data integration.

Why Do Ecommerce Businesses Need Data Integration?

Being omnipresent has become a necessity for today’s retail businesses. Those that thrive on a limited budget operate on the internet. Bigger companies with financial flexibility operate with several physical stores and a webshop. Aside from that, retailers today interact with customers across a variety of channels and touchpoints, including banking, energy, and telco retailers.

The result is tons of digital data generated every minute of every day. To make the biggest impact, you'll want to prioritize changes directly affecting the customer journey, ultimately driving better experiences and improving customer loyalty.

It is crucial to know what your customers' needs are before you can address them. Data integration allows you to collect, integrate, and analyze customer data from multiple sources to gain valuable insights that inform customer-centric strategies.

To streamline your data integration, you should adopt the following measures:

  1. Gather accurate data

Accurate, consistent, and up-to-data is more valuable to an organization. It is critical to ensure that data is of the highest quality before being subjected to any form of analysis, as insufficient data can lead to unreliable conclusions. Data that hasn't been properly prepared can contain errors, duplicates, and inconsistencies, leading to incorrect or misleading insights.

  1. Find a reliable repository

Do you have a reliable system to store your consolidated data? If not, it is time to invest in a centralized repository that can hold massive amounts of data. This repository should be easily accessible but work like a formidable fortress to guard your data against theft, unauthorized access, and unintentional loss.

  1. Shift to omnichannel retailing

It is common for modern retailers to offer multiple touchpoints and channels for communication, leading to inconsistent experiences, which can negatively impact brand perception and retention. Hence, it is crucial to keep a holistic view of the customer, regardless of the location of the interaction. Remember one thing: Customer service should be consistent no matter what channels they use to contact your organization, be it chatbots or social media messaging. For a seamless customer experience, providing a unified view across all channels is important.

  1. Prioritize targeted marketing

Unified data integration gives you a 360-degree view of your operations, revenue, customer requirements, and expectations. Of course, these aspects are just the tip of the iceberg since you gain access to a treasure trove of insights. You can leverage this priceless information to refine and remold your marketing tactics and storm the market with an approach that has all heads turning towards you.

Data integration on a unified platform is a wise investment of money, time, and resources that rewards you bountifully. Let’s examine what you stand to gain from unified data integration.

Also Read: Use Cases to Understand Big Data in the Retail Industry

7 Amazing Benefits of Unified Platform-Data Integration

  1. Stronger decision-making

Data integration on a unified platform allows you to gain insights into customer preferences and buying habits, as well as identify areas for improvement. This information can then be used to optimize their strategies, ultimately leading to better results. Data integration is also the most effective way to identify correlations and discrepancies, monitor progress, and make adjustments as needed.

  1. Exceptional customer service

Customer data is not restricted to names, addresses, or phone numbers. It is extensive information about their product preferences, buying patterns, persona, and buying capacity. This information, when intelligently leveraged, can help beat your competitors with your unique brand of customer service, where you can:

  • Make personalized recommendations.
  • Offer support for products or services
  • Gather honest feedback
  1. Increased workflow efficiency

Unified data integration eliminates the need for manual data transfer between different systems. This also helps to ensure accuracy, as manual data entry can be prone to errors. With data integration, you can ensure that the correct data is available in the right format and time, helping you create more efficient workflows.

For instance, you may require data from various sources to initiate a sales process. With data integration, everything you need is just a few clicks away. Get it done, and your sales process can take off at lightning speed!

  1. Diligent use of resources

Data integration gives you better control over your resources, whether money, time, or human effort. With manual data entry out of the way, processes are streamlined to the point of perfection. You save money, make data more accessible, and create better, lighter storage systems for your data.

  1. Intelligent data counselling

By homogenizing the data, it is transformed into a format that can be used across all departments and teams. This makes it easier to access, analyze, and use the data to make better decisions and optimize operations.

  1. Leverage historical data

Data Integration allows us to bring together data from multiple sources, such as databases, flat files, or even third-party APIs, and create a unified view of the data in a single “lake”. This unified view makes it easier to retrieve historical data, which is important for understanding the past and making informed decisions in the past.

Make Data Integration Your Secret Weapon

If you have digital data, you need to integrate it. Consider it mandatory to integrate all your various data sources to make all your data worthwhile. If not, you could be wasting your valuable resources.

With Trueloader, you can finally consolidate your data and get a 360-degree view of your customers, operations, and organization as a whole. By harnessing the power of quality, integrated data, you can make informed decisions and drive your business forward.

Say goodbye to data silos and hello to Trueloader! Join the many businesses that have already revolutionized their operations with our cutting-edge data integration services. Trust us to bring all of your data together, unlocking its full potential and delivering exceptional experiences to your customers.

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