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StreamSets Reveals Hidden Data Integration & Administrative Issues For Businesses

Darley Stephen
May 8, 2023
Reading time: 2 mins
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StreamSets Reports Reveal Business-Related Issues

On May 2, 2023, two reports from StreamSets, the Software AG company, highlighted the need for modern data integration. The reports named “Lifting on the Hidden Data Integration Problem” and “Creating Order From Chaos: Governance in the Data Wild West,” respectively, are based on the original research of more than 650 data decision-makers and practitioners. Although the report reveals friction and data chaos, it also highlights the promise of new opportunities for data value.

According to this report, there’s a general lack of robust data policies and processes among organizations. It also brings to the fore the rising demand for data and why organizations fail to use data effectively. The report’s key insights can come in handy for businesses to leverage the hidden power of their data and launch a proven data governance strategy.

Organizational Gaps & Pitfalls in Data Governance

The report “Creating Order from Chaos: Governance in the Data Wild West” reveals that:

  • Data governance and policy controls are not automated in 44% of organizations.
  • 42% of the enterprises failed to implement data security measures, thus increasing the risk of data breaches and theft.

In the face of accelerating demands of digital transformation, such blind spots are created by the lack of clarity about who is responsible for data security. Such confusions lead to an increased risk of security breaches and heavy penalties for non-compliance.

Data Silos & Friction Hindering Business Progress

According to the second report, “Lifting the Lid on the Hidden Data Integration Problem,” the increased availability of data sources and tech platforms has resulted in siloed data systems in business. Organizations are experiencing data delivery friction due to these complex environments and silos.

The research reveals these stats:

  • 68% of business owners blame data friction for their inability to deliver data within the stipulated time.
  • 59%of respondents said that the accelerated pace of digital transformation had exacerbated the challenges in the data supply chain.

Businesses are unable to utilize data effectively because of the increasing demands to deliver data and the integration friction created by fragmented pipelines. According to response data, data engineers spend 31% of their time troubleshooting and recoding fragmented data pipelines.

Modern Data Integration: the Need of the Hour

We learn from these reports that modern data integration is a vital lifeline for most organizations. While many have evolved to become data-dependent, only a few successfully integrate data pipelines, eliminate visibility gaps, and ensure compliance.
The key to a successful digital transformation is gaining real value from data and safeguarding it from data theft and breaches. Trueloader provides cloud integration services to help you achieve modern data integration. To get started, contact us today.

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