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From Complex to Simple: Tips to Automate Retail Data Transformation

Darley Stephen
February 21, 2023
Reading time: 4 mins
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In today's data-driven business world, automation is a crucial skill that everyone should possess. Regardless of your role, automating repetitive tasks can save time and resources, freeing you up to focus on more essential work. One of the most critical data automation techniques is data transformation. This technique involves converting, cleansing, and structuring data into a usable format for analysis, decision-making, and organizational growth. Without proper data transformation, raw data may not be useful, accurate, or actionable. Therefore, it is essential to use data transformation to ensure that your data is compatible with your destination system.

What Effects Does Digitalization Have on the Retail Sector?

Data transformation aims to take raw data from a source, transform it into a more suitable format, and then transfer that data to the targeted system. Data is usually in its unusable raw form when it is first extracted because it has been pulled into a central repository from various sources or locations. The data extraction process is only helpful if transformed into the desired format. In some instances, you might have to clean the data before transforming it.

Digital transformation is revolutionizing the retail industry by changing the way customers shop, and how retailers operate. From self-checkout kiosks and voice search for products to customized offerings and unique experiences, digital transformation impacts every aspect of the retail industry. This technology-driven shift is enabling retailers to optimize their supply chain, streamline inventory management, and enhance employee performance. With the help of digital tools, supply chain managers can identify and fix inefficiencies in real-time, inventory teams can accurately track stock levels, and employees at the cash counters can provide faster and more personalized service.

Tips for Streamlining the Retail Data Transformation Process

If a store wants to integrate data from multiple sources, data transformation is necessary. In data transformation, the data's form, structure, or content is modified to better suit the intended application. The following are some of the most fundamental approaches to simplifying data transformation for a retail business:

Utilize a Data Integration Platform

For efficient data transformation, a data integration platform is a must-have. Stores can quickly and accurately gather, process, and integrate data from various sources through a data integration platform, replacing time-consuming and error-prone manual procedures. Because of the unified platform's centralized data management system, automated data processing and real-time data access simplify data transformation.

A data integration platform goes beyond a standard database in its ability to reveal valuable information about your target audience and their preferences. Systems for tracking store sales are rapidly becoming a common sight in today's highly competitive retail sectors.

Adopt Data Standards

It is crucial to incorporate data standards to facilitate data transformation. Establishing data standards across all data sources is essential for retailers to guarantee the quality of all incoming data. As a result, the data is more likely to be consistent, accurate, and compatible with the receiving system, which speeds up the data transformation process. Let's look at the positive effects of adopting data standards in the retail sector.

  • Keeps data sanity
  • Transfer useful data without hindrances
  • Improve performances
  • Helps retailers make better decisions
  • Facilitates better client acquisition

Automate Data Transformation 

A data integration platform's ability to automate data transformation is a crucial feature. Data transformation rules can be applied automatically, drastically reducing the need for human intervention. Time is saved, and mistakes are avoided because of this. In the retail sector, automation facilitates the integration of data from various sources and formats. It identifies and applies appropriate transformation rules. This enables the development of a consolidated perspective on the data for analysis, reporting, and decision-making. For instance, retail automation can be used to check stock levels and reduce cases of running out of a product by spotting discrepancies in data between the sales and inventory systems.

Also Read: A Quick Guide to Retail Data Integration on a Unified Platform

Utilize Pre-built Data Transformation Templates 

To streamline the data transformation process, many data integration platforms provide pre-built data transformation templates. With these models, we can convert information from one system to another without re-entering any source data. With the help of a data integration platform, retailers can easily convert sales data from one POS to the format required by an inventory management system.

Using transformation rule templates saves time and effort for retailers during the data transformation process. Using a preexisting format as a guide will make it possible to quickly and easily transform chaotic data.

Test the Outcomes

To streamline the data transformation process, testing is essential. Stores should verify the transformation process's efficacy before implementing any data transformation rules. To make sure the transformed data is suitable for the targeted system, the transformation rules must be tested on a sample of the data.

Data transformation testing verifies the accuracy and completeness of the data extraction, the data transfer's integrity, and the data load's correctness in the targeted system. Testing also helps detect and prevent issues such as data loss or duplicacy by means of data quality during the ETL process. For instance, if you're in retail, you can use data transformation testing to ensure that the sales data you're importing from stores is complete and accurate.

Streamline Your Data Integration with Trueloader

At Trueloader, we understand the importance of simplifying data transformation for retailers looking to integrate data from multiple sources into their systems. We believe that by using our data integration platform, implementing data standards, automating data transformation, using pre-built templates, and testing data transformation, retailers can streamline the data transformation process, reduce errors, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their data integration process.

As a leading data integration platform, Trueloader offers retailers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy to integrate data from multiple sources. To know more, get in touch with our experts today.

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