Logo of Trueloader with text in white color.
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Trueloader Thrust for Financial Services

Today, the market is controlled by consumers who aren’t interested to know how much information is available. Rather, the focus is on how this quantum of information can be viewed in the simplest way possible. Consequently, financial institutions are in fierce competition to present their data in the best way to entice consumers to subscribe to their services. Trueloader understands this need and empowers designers with unique transformation templates and data maps. These intuitive tools allow them to easily merge data groups and sets that feed the complexity of reports and UI/UX.

A collage of cartoon icons like a piggy bank, data security, and data analysis, illustrate the concept of financial services.A growth bar chart.

Unmatched Heavy Lifting

With every transaction, the information is interlocked into smaller groups of data packets. As these data packets flow through the organisation's various departments and third-party data controllers, it can lead to
A vector image of data controlling system.
  • Data breach
  • Data duplication
  • Data loss
  • Data inconsistency
  • Dataflow latency
  • Data ambiguity
  • Data overload
  • Data inaccuracy
  • Data unavailability
Of course, there is no scarcity of tools and services out there in the market that can help you overcome these. So, where’s the issue? you may think. The truth is, all these tools and services leave these issues to be resolved by the users or the specialists. 

That’s where Trueloader makes the difference. Trueloader automagically addresses and resolves all these issues in its core architecture. Additionally, it allows users to toggle between various options based on their unique needs. Thus, our solution ensures that the data packets are stored and transferred flawlessly. 

Uninterrupted Data Flows

For Financial organizations, every second of downtime will result in irreplaceable revenue loss. Organizations cannot afford to have even a planned downtime in their data pipelines or any other unplanned outages due to missing, duplicated, inconsistent or erroneous data. Did you know? More than half your data team's productivity is lost trying to fix these data problems, not to mention the millions of dollars lost in revenue. Trueloader comes with three powerful features to handle this challenge.
Native functions
that help in applying complex filtration on a one‑to‑many and many‑to‑one mapping.
Cartoon image of a girl riding a bicycle on the clouds amongst planets and stars.
that allows users to cross-reference their source of truth to validate data.
Language invocations
that enable users to use their preferred language of choice to apply/implement rules and filtration or even, in some cases, cross-reference their proprietary code bases to implement automation.

Uncompromised Data Security

We understand security is paramount for organizations that handle financial data. Data integration is the most critical entity of any business process within an organization. Though teams within the financial organizations understand that, most of the time they are ready to open security layers, whitelisting, and firewalls to accommodate an integration tool to accomplish the job. By doing so, they are unaware of how the security is compromised for not just the data but also the systems that protect it.

Thanks to our advanced connectivity, we take pride in claiming that organizations will not be required to alter any of their existing security layers to accommodate the various functionalities of Trueloader. In fact, we are the only player in the market who preach passthrough and data security. Because, our mandate is to offer the most powerful integration and migration tool without compromising any layer.

The image of a cute cartoon monster trapped inside a glass object and two monster robots trying to attack it, illustrates the data security concept.
A vector image of stacked routers arranged in the form of a grid, seen with dolphins and the cloud illustrates the concept of uninterrupted hosting.

Unconstrained Hosting Experience

In line with the mandate to provide uncompromised data security, Trueloader offers various options to host its solution. It can be completely hosted in a secure private network, making it inherently immune to any external attempt to steal the data. Unlike other offerings in the market, Trueloader can operate untethered without internet access while providing all the features and functionalities. With this kind of flexibility offered by Trueloader, teams that handle data integration can focus on implementing the right transformations and worry less about the platform to host the data integration solution.
Cartoon image of hands operating a remote control.
Unleash the Power of Data
Get ready to experience the power of data at your fingertips. Kickstart your data transformation journey with Trueloader and build a super-efficient data-first enterprise.
Cartoon image of a rocket with smoke coming down.